Today text messages have changed the way you communicate with a loved one. Whether the object of your affections is in a different city or right beneath your roof, sending a text message is a fun way to let them know that they are in your thoughts. So before you crash for the night, here are 50 text messages to send to a partner or to someone close to your heart.
Can’t wait to be in your arms...
Happy New Month SMS, Text Messages, Prayers and Quotes for May 2016 By Smartcred
Find here a great and exciting collection of sample happy new month messages you can share with families, friends, colleagues and others for May 2016
Though it is latebut I know I will never be late to youbecause you are always a friend.I just want to officially inform you that God has decided to bless you more than your imagination.This month shall be to you a month of great successJust...
Hot Collections Of Happy New Month Messages May 2016

Happy New Month ! Happy New Month !! Happy New Month !!! Happy New Month SMS, Happy New Month Wishes, Happy New Month wishes and other awesome collections that can be sent to loved ones this new month of May 201...
201 Happy New Year Wishes,SMS,Quotes,Messages
New beginnings, fresh starts, reaffirmations of love and promises for a brighter future all come to mind as we ring in a New Year.
There are the superficial, yet purposeful, promises we make to
ourselves. We resolve to get in shape, lose weight, improve career
paths, and the like. Then, there are the heartfelt promises we make to others,
whether aloud or in our minds. We want to care...
Passionate Happy Christmas sms Christmas Quotes Christmas Msgs
christmas quotes-
Heap on the wood!-the wind is chill,
But let it whistle as it will,
We’ll keep our Christmas merry still.
Beautiful christmas quotes-
From home to home and heart to heart,
From one place to another,
The warmth and joy of Christmas,
Brings us closer to each other.
Merry X-Mas
May all the sweet magic of Christmas conspire
To gladden your...
Happy Christmas Sms,
Happy Xmas,
New Month,
New Month SMS
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